
The Mango Windows Phone that lost its sound

Windows Phone 8.0 does not support update from devices using earlier Windows Phone versions, even the version 7.5 which is commonly known as "Mango". Perhaps in an act to comfort the Mango phone users, Microsoft released a version 7.8 for 7.5 users to upgrade to and experience the new user interface like what the version 8.0 has.

I once was a Mango phone user, when the version 7.8 was available for update from 7.5, I was excited, and I happily updated my phone to that version. However, after the update, the radio streaming application that I used daily between work and home commutes no long played with any sound. I tried the same update on two Windows Phone 7.5 phones, both had the problem.

After spending some time looking for clues to resolve the issue, I did not find any solution and gave up. The root cause seemed to be pointing to the MediaElement class in Windows Phone API. Did Windows Phone 7.8 broke it!? Anyhow, I was too lazy to restore the phone back to the Mango version so I just waited and hoped that Microsoft would release fix soon.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed the update notification on my Windows Phone device. I followed the instruction to update the Windows Phone 7.8 on the phone and tried playing my radio streaming application. Surprisingly, the sound was back!! The update did fix the problem in Windows Phone 7.8.

I have two Mango phones, one is the HTC HD7 and the other is the Samsung Omnia 7. Both of them were updated to Windows Phone 7.5 and lost sound in the radio streaming applications. The version of Windows Phone 7.8 is shown here:

After the update for Windows Phone 7.8, the version shows on the Samsung Omnia 7 is 7.10.8862.144

If you are using a Windows Phone 7.5 device and you are experiencing the same problem in any radio streaming application, updating to the version shown above should solve the problem for you too.